27 November, 2007

magazine smell

Buying a magazine is almost as good as Christmas. I get super sonic hyper active when I know I am going to buy a new magazine. It doesn't matter what publication it is--just as long as it's new. I hate to admit it but I judge by the covers. If the cover is visually appealing or I like a headline i buy it. When the cashier asks me if I would like a bag I say no-- what's the point when I know I'm going to begin reading as soon as I walk out the door? I am very methodical with my process of reading a new magazine. First, I look at the front, back, and bind; I study the cover for about 10 minutes then open it for the first time. I go through every page, one by one, making sure I don't miss even the tiniest ad; I like to take my time. I never sit down with a magazine unless I know I have at least an hour to read it through. Every couple turns I stop and smell the pages. Have you ever smelled a fresh new magazine and let your finger tips graze the crisp pages? Unbelievable. When i find myself drifting off while reading I stop and start the article over. When I'm done reading cover to cover it is a sad time; it's exactly the feeling you have after you've finished a wonderful meal and you look down at your plate and sigh, "I don't want dinner to be over." (Dinner being over is a daily struggle I face). When i am finished I place my new/old read on top of the ever-growing pile of other new/old reads that rest in a corner of my living room near a lamp I bought in France. It's always a good day when a new magazine is on the agenda.

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