26 November, 2007

cut off

Piggybacking on what I mentioned in an earlier blog about being cut-off from my technology staple I feel compelled to share with everyone how inaccessible internet access, well... sucks. I never thought I would have such a problem having no internet and as it turns out I almost died. For 7 days I have had no internet access in my home. Normally this would not inconvenience me because I could walk the 3 blocks to UB and logon there. But what do you do during Thanksgiving break when UB is closed? Exactly. There is nothing you can do. You just get to sit in your apartment and rot away into the past while everyone else in the world is caught up on day-to-day happenings. I know I sound melodramatic but after having everything I want at the click of a button only to wake up and have it taken away well, I felt like i was Harry Potter and someone had taken away my magic. I found myself craving things I never wanted, for example I don't normally look up news urls (cnn, usa today, etc) but I like having the option. I found myself craving cnn.com and yahoo, google, and the UB webpage. How is it possible a person can lose all sense of space when the internet is not available? I forgot how dependent I became on little things I took for granted. Today, after 7 days of being offline, I found myself lost in cyberspace. My fingers were like spiders on rollerskates and I was unable to find the back button on my browser; I was a mess. Maybe this loss of service is a sign I need to release the cord between myself and my PC. When my internet comes back (if it ever does) I'm going to limit my daily use to half of what it was. (Not really, but i feel this blog should have some kind of moral or happy resolution).

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