17 September, 2007


I love when I come across a great quote. There are many ways to say one thing, but sometimes, there is just one. I also like finding quotes that make me think differently than I normally do. Words are amazing in the sense that putting them together one way can be ordinary and all it takes is omitting a word or adding a comma that make the collection that much more inspirational or enlightening.

I found this quote in the Drafting section of the introduction in the McQuade McQuade book:

"Writing is a form of intellectual exhaling."

I love that! I really do picture my breath coming out of my mouth and writing words on the page. It paints a very nice, calm picture for me.

Here's another one by Russell Baker:
"...in writing, punctuation plays the role of body language."

I had never thought of punctuation as sexy until I read this. Both of these quotes changed the way that I look at writing. I used to see it as something I had to do; after reading both of these I find myself wanting to write.


(click on image to enlarge)

This book is a true inspiration for me. It is about a woman who does open water swims all over the world and was the first person to swim from Alaska to Russia (they are a lot closer than you might think). I find her stories fascinating. She is someone who inspires me to keep moving forward (in life) even when I feel like giving up the most. The hardships can be conquered if you can push through them to the other side. Not only is her story inspirational but the book is simply written. While I do appreciate all different writting styles, I am a fan of writing that is to-the-point without being vague. If you ever get a free day, week, or month, and are looking to be inspired I would highly recommend reading this book.

Thanks for the info

Okay, no one else may find this funny but I think it's hilarious. I got a piece of junk mail from Delta about my skymiles. Just read the first sentence of this and tell me if you thought the same thing I did. I may not be an expert with words but I feel that the writers of this letter could have done a better job.

(click on the image to enlarge)

Thanks for making me tear open the envelope and read the "exciting news" that--not only do I have no money-- I have no skymiles. Isn't that just the pickle that goes with the giant crap sandwich that is my day. Thanks, Delta.

Birthday Card

I thought this card seemed to go along with the good grammar that we are learning from "Sin & Syntax." Remember: never end a sentence with a preposition!