17 September, 2007


I love when I come across a great quote. There are many ways to say one thing, but sometimes, there is just one. I also like finding quotes that make me think differently than I normally do. Words are amazing in the sense that putting them together one way can be ordinary and all it takes is omitting a word or adding a comma that make the collection that much more inspirational or enlightening.

I found this quote in the Drafting section of the introduction in the McQuade McQuade book:

"Writing is a form of intellectual exhaling."

I love that! I really do picture my breath coming out of my mouth and writing words on the page. It paints a very nice, calm picture for me.

Here's another one by Russell Baker:
"...in writing, punctuation plays the role of body language."

I had never thought of punctuation as sexy until I read this. Both of these quotes changed the way that I look at writing. I used to see it as something I had to do; after reading both of these I find myself wanting to write.


Stephanie said...


I never thought about quotes as a form of inspiration. But, you are right in your analysis, that quote is "sexy" !

Writing is a true form of expression and I love how it makes you think outside the box.

Heather said...

i love this quote:
"...in writing, punctuation plays the role of body language."

i've never thought about punction as body language before, but it really is. now i can't stop thinking about it. i can totally picture what vibe a question mark gives off.