13 December, 2007

Project 1, Phase 5: Frigid Bitch

Here she is, the bitch of all bitches. My final revision of the permafrost princess. Something happened to the bottom of my page but you get the general idea of the layout.

Project 4, Phase 5: Classification

Here is my revised project 4. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


in case you haven't guessed already, the made-up word "pelephant" is a combination of penguin and elephant. it's not too clever but it's what i call my collection of penguin and elephant toys and trinkets. I was unable to scan my objects but i found these pictures instead.

can anyone help me?

please help me. after reading a lot of class blogs i find myself feeling impotent. where does everyone find all their news on design issues and professional stuff (are those the correct technical terms? ;) ) maybe it's because i have only been in one professional environment since graduating but i feel like i'm looking for something and i don't know what. i would love some suggestions from you (anyone) on websites or blogs i could visit so i can start getting a professional mind set. I already have the couple sites from class we talked about but any extra help/advice/tips would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

10 December, 2007

free chicken and gay porn

After class on Saturday my boyfriend, Ben, and I went to Giant to get some dinner. After checking out, we made our way out to the car and I stumbled (literally) on a book that was laying on the ground. I thought about leaving it there just in case the owner re-traced his steps and found it but Ben told me to bring it with us. "Whenever you find a book on the ground you pick it up and read it." He's a writer and is always looking to be fed by the knowledge teet. We were almost home when he said, "what did we buy that is hot?" Nothing. We had bought soup, french bread, salad, and wine. I looked at him like he was crazy but then realized there was a bag on the floor with a whole roasted chicken inside. After contemplating how this miraculous chicken appeared in our car we realized we had accidentally stolen the chicken that belonged to the lady who was in line behind us. We didn't want to drive all the way back to the grocery store--especially because we knew the lady was no longer there and probably picked out a new chicken for dinner. Once we were inside-thrilled we had found another dinner component- we remembered we had the book I had found. The name of the book was called Close Contact. Intrigued, Ben opened the book and began to read me a passage. About 20 seconds into his reading we began to realize why the book had been left in the Giant parking lot- it was gay porn. Ben wanted nothing to do with it but I kept reading. How often do you find gay porn just laying around in the street? Well, the weekend has come to end and I decided I have had enough of my homosexual erotica and am returning it to the street so another patron can come across it (no pun intended)and enjoy himself some light reading.