13 December, 2007

can anyone help me?

please help me. after reading a lot of class blogs i find myself feeling impotent. where does everyone find all their news on design issues and professional stuff (are those the correct technical terms? ;) ) maybe it's because i have only been in one professional environment since graduating but i feel like i'm looking for something and i don't know what. i would love some suggestions from you (anyone) on websites or blogs i could visit so i can start getting a professional mind set. I already have the couple sites from class we talked about but any extra help/advice/tips would be greatly appreciated. thanks.


Laura M said...

I'm with you Michelle. I'm the one posting about boxes of raisins. When I saw that box of raisins, I knew I had to run straight to my blog. What I hate is that I always see great billboards or road signs, but never have my camera. Like today, I saw a "Slow Bump" sign next to a speed bump in a parking lot. Okay. When did they change that?

Kristina said...

i saw a 'traffic calming' sign next to some speed bumps in germantown this afternoon. i thought it was odd!