24 September, 2007

describe it to me (part III)...

Although I thought the end of Brian Doyle's piece, Joyas Volardores was a little odd with strange transitions, I really liked the way he described the hummingbirds in his third paragraph.

"Hummingbirds, like all flying birds but more so, have incredible enormous immense ferocious metabolisms. To drive those metabolisms they have racecar hearts that eat oxygen at an eye-popping rate."

The first sentence is my favorite part. He uses these amazingly big adjectives to describe this tiny little bird. The words make the birds larger than life. Within this little bird is a metabolism that is larger than the bird itself. I also like how he doesn't separate the adjectives with commas--he just places them all together making the sentence read fast... like the little hummingbird.
In the second sentence I like his choice of words. Racecar, eat oxygen, eye-popping: again, very strong word choices make the hummingbird appear fierce as oppossed to fragile.

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