16 November, 2007

way to go

I am very disturbed by a commercial I have seen repeatedly over the past few months. Playskool toys has a product called the Rose Petal Cottage, a life-size (for a child) doll house with a kitchen, living room, and a washer & dryer. The doll house is not what bothers me. What bothers me is that damn commercial featuring the little girl cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. I understand that little girls like to play house, I was no different. But the commercial urks me because its like "hey, teach your little girls when they're young that a women's role is in the home. she cooks, she cleans, and has dinner on the table in a timely manner." I can't help but think that this "harmless" dollhouse is setting women back decades. Why can't playskool come out with a life-size office setting for little girls; with a big desk, computer, and window? Or a stage so they can pretend to be rockstars? I'm not trying to take away dollhouses from little girls I'm just saying enough already. Quit trying to mold them into stepford wives.

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