05 December, 2007

you're not a genius--it's called photoshop

PicWash, a web service that allows you to upload your photos and have them professionally retouched within 48 hours is no miracle as NYLON would have you believe. Its called photoshop, people. I actually commend this guy for ripping people off when clearly this kind of work can be done on your own computer with the right technology.


Anonymous said...

it's not really a rip off if someone else is doing the work for you. I don't want to spend my time retouching my friends face full of zits, so I'd be more than happy to pay someone to do it for me. you can also give yourself your own bikini wax, but sometimes it's easier to pay someone to do it for you.

good idea. :)

michelle said...

very true. my bitterness stems from a why-didn't-I-think-of-that? kind of jealousy.