26 October, 2007


I had plans to find a better example of typography than my 7 eleven big gulp cup but something a classmate said to me while I was in the lab solidified my decision. I chose to show my big gulp cup because of the reaction Dierdre expressed towards it. We were sitting in the Mac lab on the 4th floor pulling our hairs out in frustration when she looked at my cup of half diet/half regular cola and said, "that word 'gulp' on your cup makes me want to take a big gulp of something right now." At that moment i moved my cup to the other side of the desk (just in case she was serious) but not without thought of how the typography on the cup created an instinctive reaction in her to grab for it. Kudos to 7 eleven on their fabulous typography--I would be lost without your big gulps.

p.s. the font is futura extra bold

1 comment:

Laura M said...

Props to you for following your instincts and bringing in the big gulp.